平成23年度第3回土木計画学国際セミナー 平成23年度第2回EASTS国際セミナー 「交通における持続可能性の指標と業績測定」 ヘンリック・グッドムンドソン先生(デンマーク工科大学) 日時:2011年7月7日(木曜日) 15:00-18:30 場所:東京工業大学工学部(大岡山キャンパス)    創造プロジェクト館[緑が丘5号館]1F会議室 http://www.titech.ac.jp/about/campus/o_map.html?id=02   東急大井町線緑が丘駅徒歩8分   東急大井町線/目黒線大岡山駅徒歩15分 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Indicators and performance measures of sustainability in transportation" Sustainability has become an overarching concern for transportation policy and planning around the world. The notion of sustainability for transportation however remains poorly specified which allows many policies and practices to be identified as ‘sustainable’ whilst business as usual approaches are pursued. There is a strong need to make the notion operational for application in transportation and related fields. The lecture will focus on the use of indicators and performance measures as key tools to make sustainability operational within the field of transportation planning and management. An indicator can be defined as a variable, or a combination of variables, being selected to represent a certain wider phenomenon or problem of interest, to support observation, communication, or intervention. A performance measure is an indicator that is connected to organizational objectives, goals, targets, and/or practices. The lecture will: *Introduce the topic of sustainability in general, and in transportation (concept of present and future needs, the three dimensions, the impacts that transport has on sustainability, key principles and goals, challenges involved in defining sustainability for a subsystem such as transport) *Introduce and define various types of indicators and performance measures, and their functions and roles for different transport planning, management and decision making applications. (definitions, types of criteria for good indicators, applications of indicators) The lecture will shift between PowerPoint presentation, small group work sessions, and interactive plenary sessions, where results of group discussions are reported and discussed. Total duration would be around 3,5 hours. Tentatively, the schedule could be: *One hour lecture on the first topic, followed by 20 minutes of group discussions and 20 minutes of interactive feedback, with breaks in between, as appropriate *One hour lecture on the second topic, followed by 20 minutes of group discussions and 20 minutes of interactive feedback, with breaks in between as appropriate The emphasis will be on introducing concepts and typologies; no mathematics or calculation exercises will be involved. The lecture will be based on draft chapters of a textbook currently in preparation called “Sustainability in Transportation: Making it Count”. The book is scheduled to be completed in 2012, and published by Springer. It is intended as teaching material for transportation classes at higher education institutions, as well as for practitioners in transport planning around the world. The lecture could provide valuable feed-back to improve the drafting of the textbook. Lecture Schedule: 15:00-16:00 (1) Lecture on the topic of sustainability in general, and in transportation 16:00-16:20 (1) Group Discussion 16:20-16:40 (1) Interactive Feedback (Short break) 16:50-17:50 (2) Lecture on indicators and performance measures, and their functions and roles for different transport planning, management and decision making applications 17:50-18:10 (2) Group Discussion 18:10-18:30 (2) Interactive Feedback 18:30 Concluding Remarks